Previously you had to manage left hand individually. SkyUI has allows another full series of hotkeys, enabling item sets and even dual-wielding hotkeys. Vanilla game does not recognize item and weapon sets. The mod I suggested has a configuration menu for voice sets. Some larger mods - Frostfall, Realistic Needs and Disease, Wet and Cold (full) - go several pages deep. I allows you to access to in-game mod configuration menu, instead of dropping out of the game and manually fixinig each and ever INI-file for required configurations. MCM is a mod configuration menu feature included to SkyUI. While many see it just as polished UI, it has 3 major features. * SkyUI is an interface mod that requires extended script library to work. It has also included stability fixes to be enabled and most other memory fix and game stability solutions are counting on it. * Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) does what it says and etends the amount of script library available for Skyrim. I link the tool here, in case you need it. I am using 170+ ESPs and ESMs, so letting wrong scripts go in to wrong hierarchy really isn't an option. I am using LOOT to keep my load order in check. If you are using only few mods, then you can arrange the load order manually from NMM or Skyrim Launcher Data Files view. They need to loaded correctly, or scripts will have different hierarchy than intented and bug fixes will become a bug parade. It is very important with Skyrim and especially with Unofficial Patches. Make a backup from your saves, just in case. You can write the cleanest code you know, but something may still pop up and do 180kg beer belly dance in front of your face. Bethesda left a lot of bugs to this game. There are no active or passive bugs around Unofficial Patches in my notes, so I consider them safe to get installed during on going game. There have been few complaints about them, but all of them seem to have related to inability to maintain the proper load order, troubled egos, misunderstandings or personal grudges against members of Unofficial Patch team. Installing Unofficial Patches should be safe.